Friday, September 19, 2008

100 Mile Relay Fundraiser

November 8, 2008

It’s time for the Annual 100 Mile Relay!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
It’s time for the Annual 100 Mile Relay!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
First Name: Last Name:

The Alta High School Cross Country Team plans to run 100 miles in ten hours or less.

Dear Potential Sponsor,
I am participating in the Alta High School Cross Country Team 100 Mile Relay. All proceeds will help fund Footlocker Western Regional, End of Season Banquet, and Cross Country Team Equipment. You can sponsor me for an amount per mile the team completes in a ten hour period, or name a maximum amount that you are willing to contribute. After the 100 Mile Relay, I will return to tell you how many Miles we Actually completed and collect your contribution. Make checks to Alt a High School Care of the names placed on the t-shirt. Companies who wish to contribute $100 will have their personalized logo placed on the back fo the shirt. Please email Coach Justin Pitcher at a copy of your logo to be placed on the back of the sponsors’ shirt no later than November 12, 2008.
Thank you!

2008 Alta High School Cross Country Team
Name of Sponsor (Individual Name or Business Name) Pledge per Mile (Example: $1.00) Maximum Pledge Amount Collected from Sponsor Email Address for contact to get logo

To reach our goal of $150.00 per athlete, we hope that each participant finds 10 sponsors.
Please bring this form to the Alta High School Track on Saturday November 8, 2008.

Alta Cross Country 100 Mile Relay
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Our annual 100 Mile Relay is a fun and fit activity for Alta High School Cross Country Runners. Each athlete will be reaching for their personal best mile times. Students set realistic one mile goals based on age, ability and development. Refreshments will be provided by the Alta Cross Country Parent organization. Each athlete will receive a sponsor’s t shirt as a result of completing the event successfully. The shirts will be ordered and distributed upon receipt of deposit in the main office.
Our goal is to help the Athletes raise at least $150.00 to fund the Footlocker Western Regional Meet in Walnut California, end of season banquet, and purchase Cross Country Team Equipment. We hope that each family or business will participate in the 100 Mile Relay to the best of their ability through pledging. If each Athlete raises $150.00, we will achieve our goal of raising $8000.00. We’re hoping to make this100 Mile relay the best ever, so the more contributions you raise, the more successful we’ll be at achieving our goal. Thank you very much for your participation!
1. Students may start collecting pledges as soon as they receive the pledge sheets. Reminder: Pledge sheets need to be turned in on Saturday, November 8 , 2008.

2. Pledges may be made by anyone. However, participants. Please ask everyone who pledges if their company has a matching gift fund policy. Companies who do match pledge gifts are listed on the back of the Team Sponsor T-shirt to show appreciation for their support.

3. Each sponsor making a pledge should write their own name, pledge per Mile, and maximum pledge. Students may collect the pledge in advance but must keep pledges until all are collected. Checks should be made out to Alta High school attention Alta Cross Country fundraiser.

4. On the day of the 100 mile relay, each athlete will Athlete will run during a specified time period on the Alta High School Track. The goal for the team is to run a minimum of 6:00 minute mile pace for the duration of the event. Each participant will be assigned a specific time and a record will be kept by Coach Pitcher for each lap and a culminated mile time per athlete; Thereby keeping track of the number of Miles completed.

5. Upon completion of the 100 Mile Relay, athletes will be notified as to how many miles were run in the ten hour period. A coach will record each student’s mile total and the team total on their pledge sheet and return it to the athletes. The information will also be posted on the internet at Students may then collect outstanding pledges. Please return pledge sheets with a receipt from the main office Coach Pitcher by Friday, November 12, 2008.

6. Participants are encouraged to wear hats and sunscreen if it’s sunny or bring rain gear if it’s rainy. In other words dress appropriately

7. Parents and supporters are encouraged to attend the event and participate as they see fit. All are welcome
We look forward to all our participants having a great time! For questions or concerns, or to volunteer, call Coach Justin Pitcher at 801-616-6458 or email

Thank you for your support

Coach Justin Pitcher
Head Coach Alta High School Cross Country
Head Coach Alta High School Track and Field

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know that this is one day after Kyra's birthday??? That means her birthday is on November 7!!